Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lose Body Fat 2 Tips to Make You Ultra Sexy

Trying to lose body fat can be a tricky thing, as you probably already know.

There is so much information out there about how to lose body fat that it seems most people are just downright confused about what is the best way to do it!

If this sounds like you, then pay special attention to this article. I will explain 2 simple ways that will have you looking ultra sexy in no time.

How to Lose Body Fat with Strength Training

For most people, strength training to lose fat consists of doing the machines for 3 sets of 15 reps after doing a long period of time on a cardio machine.

First of all, do your strength training after warming up for a few minutes but BEFORE you do cardio! This is because cardio takes a lot of energy out of you. If you try to strength train afterwards, your body has already used a lot of energy.

Ready for the strength training secret to lose body fat?

The best way to strength train to lose fat is by doing circuit training that consists of a lot of multijoint exercises. This means using a lot of exercises that work your chest, back, and legs.

Why is the a great way to lose body fat? The reason is that you work a lot of muscle. The more muscle you work, the more your metabolism increases, and the more body fat you burn while being active and while at rest!

Also, instead of doing 15 reps with a light weight, try doing 10-12 reps with a weight that takes you close to failure. You will only increase your metabolism through strength training if you stimulate your body to add more lean muscle mass. Doing 15 light reps just isn't enough to do that!

How to Lose Body Fat with Cardio

Most people think they can lose fat with cardio by doing 30-60 minutes going at the same speed.

The truth is, your body will rapidly adapt to this type of cardio. Once you are adapted, you have to work longer and harder in order to keep making it a challenge!

The best way to lose fat with cardio is to try something called interval training.

Interval training uses both high and low intensities for set periods of time. For example, 2 minutes slow followed by 1 minute very fast.

The reason this is a great way to lose body fat is because the intense periods are what ramps up your metabolism for hours after you are done working out. This means that you will burn lots of calories during the workout and keep doing so for hours afterwards!

So if you want to lose body fat with exercise, then you may need to make some adjustments to your routine. The most common mistakes that I see with people who try to lose fat with exercise is repeatedly doing long bouts of same speed cardio followed by using the strength training machines for high reps and low weight.

To successfully lose body fat with exercise, check out the links below for more great information.

Good luck and train hard!

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Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise. His website at offers a free 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Body Fat Permanently. Tom's free newsletter from The Fat Loss Zone is jam packed with tips and techniques guaranteed to get you on the fast track to having a slim and sexy physique.


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