Saturday, October 4, 2008

Get Rid of Body Fat

The way to get rid of body fat is to stick to an exercise and diet plan. Our bodies store fat when we consume more calories than we burn off. A simple way to solve this problem is to eat less calories and burn off all the extra ones by exercising. It is very hard to go from not ever working out and eating right to a strict routine over night. The best way is to start off slow and work your way into a healthier lifestyle.

Start by doing push ups and sit ups three times a week if you don?t belong to a gym. If you do go to a gym, do a full body weight workout 3 times a week. This will help your body build a base and get ready for harder workouts. While your body is getting used to working out you should start eating better too. You should never skip breakfast since it gives you energy to start your day and will start the fat burning process. I recommend a bowl of oatmeal with a glass of orange juice. A little trick to speed up your metabolism is to eat small meals through out the day. I like to shoot for six. Drinking water in place of soda can really help to.

After breakfast I will have a piece of fruit around ten and have chicken breast on whole wheat bread for lunch. Around two a protein bar is a good choice for your next healthy snack. Dinner should consist of a lean protein source like salmon, tuna, or chicken with vegetables and whole wheat pasta or brown rice. Your final healthy snack should be about two hours after you have dinner. Do not cut out all fats. Your body needs fat to function just be sure to limit how much you get and focus on the good fat that is found in peanut butter and virgin olive oil.

If you follow the above steps, you will be on your way to getting rid of your excess body fat. It takes discipline but if you get in a routine eating right and exercising regularly will become natural to you.

For a quick way to get rid of body fat check out:


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