Thursday, October 16, 2008

5 Absolute Easy Ways To help Burn Body Fat Faster

Looking to burn body fat the right way and quickly?

Here are 5 basic, essential tips you must do to burn body fat now!

1) Eating Fruit And vegetables Helps To Burn Body Fat

-Low in Fat and low in calories;

-High in fibre, vitamins and minerals that satisfy the body nutrient requirements and eat less;

-Flushes out wastes and helps reduce craving for sweets;

-Maintains your energy level;

-Reduces excess body acids;

-It contains 70-80% water and by eating a sufficient amount(10 servings a day), it will keep the body hydrated properly;

-As it is rich in vitamins, it activates the enzymes in our body. Enzymes are essential for metabolic activities that take place in our body daily.

Without question fruits and vegetables supplies all the necessary nutrient requirements for our body's vitality. And importantly it provides a very fast burning source of carbohydrates, and as carbohydrates is the main source of energy, your body will burn it quickly rather than being stored and converted to body fat.

Unlike bread, rice and pasta which are high source of carbohydrates, it takes time to burn the source and thus not all the energy will not be used which subsequently converts to body fat.

Consider eating more fruits and vegetables daily to burn body fat away!

2) Drink Water

If you want to burn body fat quickly, drink a minimum of 16 glasses of purified (filtered or boiled) water a day.

Water will flush out harmful toxins, increase your metabolism and importantly make it difficult for the body fat to accumulate.

3) Start Exercising first thing in the morning

Burn body fat by committing yourself to morning workouts for at least 30 minutes to an hour.

Research have shown that by exercising in the morning, you will burn three times more body fat than working out at any other times.


All the carbohydrates stored during the day from your meals will be used up for various bodily functions that happens during you sleep. When that primary source of energy is finished, your body is forced to seek an alternative secondary supply, which is your body fat!

Thus when you wake up, your body will not have any carbohydrates as energy to use, and instead will look to burn body fat for energy.

Not only will you burn body fat during a workout session, it will continue to burn body fat at an accelerated rate after the workout. This effect is due to the intense session of cardio or aerobic workout which increases your metabolism rate for hours after the workout.

Therefore exercise first thing in the morning before breakfast to maximise the opportunity to burn body fat.

4) Do Light Resistance training before An Aerobic Or Cardio Workout

During the first 20 minutes of any exercise the body will not burn body fat, instead your body will burn glycogen (a source of energy for the muscles)

Basically, you have to do a minimum of 20 minutes worth of light resistance training or weight lifting.

This will raise the metabolism rate up to between 100-200%, and you will burn body fat quickly.

5) Eat Breakfast

Having breakfast is a great way to boost your metabolism.

By skipping breakfast, your metabolism will run slower which mean the body will not burn body fat.

Your body needs energy, and breakfast provides that source which allows your body to burn body fat!

Not only that, breakfast helps to stop those cravings later in the day, and maintain your energy level whilst lowering stress levels.

The above five essential tips are a great start to plan for a 'Burn Body Fat' program.

With the right plan to stay focused, and by taking action, you will burn body fat and drop your pant sizes!

About the Author

-Want To Build Muscle And Lose Fat At the Same Time?

Discover A Time Efficient, Research Proven Workouts To Boost Muscle Growth And Blowtorch Body Fat For Good.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lose Body Fat 2 Tips to Make You Ultra Sexy

Trying to lose body fat can be a tricky thing, as you probably already know.

There is so much information out there about how to lose body fat that it seems most people are just downright confused about what is the best way to do it!

If this sounds like you, then pay special attention to this article. I will explain 2 simple ways that will have you looking ultra sexy in no time.

How to Lose Body Fat with Strength Training

For most people, strength training to lose fat consists of doing the machines for 3 sets of 15 reps after doing a long period of time on a cardio machine.

First of all, do your strength training after warming up for a few minutes but BEFORE you do cardio! This is because cardio takes a lot of energy out of you. If you try to strength train afterwards, your body has already used a lot of energy.

Ready for the strength training secret to lose body fat?

The best way to strength train to lose fat is by doing circuit training that consists of a lot of multijoint exercises. This means using a lot of exercises that work your chest, back, and legs.

Why is the a great way to lose body fat? The reason is that you work a lot of muscle. The more muscle you work, the more your metabolism increases, and the more body fat you burn while being active and while at rest!

Also, instead of doing 15 reps with a light weight, try doing 10-12 reps with a weight that takes you close to failure. You will only increase your metabolism through strength training if you stimulate your body to add more lean muscle mass. Doing 15 light reps just isn't enough to do that!

How to Lose Body Fat with Cardio

Most people think they can lose fat with cardio by doing 30-60 minutes going at the same speed.

The truth is, your body will rapidly adapt to this type of cardio. Once you are adapted, you have to work longer and harder in order to keep making it a challenge!

The best way to lose fat with cardio is to try something called interval training.

Interval training uses both high and low intensities for set periods of time. For example, 2 minutes slow followed by 1 minute very fast.

The reason this is a great way to lose body fat is because the intense periods are what ramps up your metabolism for hours after you are done working out. This means that you will burn lots of calories during the workout and keep doing so for hours afterwards!

So if you want to lose body fat with exercise, then you may need to make some adjustments to your routine. The most common mistakes that I see with people who try to lose fat with exercise is repeatedly doing long bouts of same speed cardio followed by using the strength training machines for high reps and low weight.

To successfully lose body fat with exercise, check out the links below for more great information.

Good luck and train hard!

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Tom Gifford is a Certified Personal Trainer by the American Council on Exercise. His website at offers a free 47 page ebook titled How to Fire Up Your Metabolism and Lose Body Fat Permanently. Tom's free newsletter from The Fat Loss Zone is jam packed with tips and techniques guaranteed to get you on the fast track to having a slim and sexy physique.

Weight Loss Improtance Of Low Body Fat

Nearly everyone will forever have a love - hate relationship with their bathroom scale. With the drastic increase in obesity cases in America, the importance of keeping overall body fat minimal becomes the most important issue to everyone's health.

What does it really mean to be obese? This says that thirty percent or more of your overall body weight is fat. When this happens, your body has already began to shut down in specific areas. Things affected by high body fat levels are; blood pressure, cholesterol, bone density, energy levels, and the immune system.

What is happening behind the scenes is that muscle burns more calories than fat. The simplicity is, If you have less muscle then you are obviously going to burn less fat each day. To make matters worse, aging naturally decreases muscle mass. The goal is to slow the natural process down. The big question now becomes How do you do this?

Having synergy in your workout plan can basically mean the difference between losing one or two pounds. The four main areas to synergy are; good eating habits, heart exercising, strength training, and flexibility. When all four areas are working well, your body will literally become a fat-burning machine.

As your body fat levels decrease over time from your diet and exercise; blood pressure, stress, and cholesterol levels will lower resulting in your strength, confidence and, stamina increasing.

Are the numbers on the scale important? The truth is, at a certain level they are a concern. The major factor is keeping your body fat levels in check at all times.

Donald Mckenzie Jr offers important daily health news and information. Click here to visit the health blog.

BodyBuilding And Fat Loss

The first step in any bodybuilding program is to first reduce the fat level in the body system and as well as shading some weight to get the muscles in the right mass. You will understand that when you shade off a reasonable amount of weight in order to develop muscles faster.When you are fat and over weight, you will generally not be able to train for a longer period of time. You should also not forget about the fact that the basis of bodybuilding lies in regularly training and quality health style.

Poor dieting and nutrition style is also generally agreed to be the most influencing factor to over weight. Bodybuilding is different from weight gaining. When you are bodybuilding, you tend to grow bigger in size by way of developing huge muscle mass and becoming fitter. But when you gain weight, you as well increase in size but certainly less fit. One very effective way to loss weight and fat yet develop muscles is by regular exercise. Below are other vital things that you need to know in your quest for bodybuilding and fat loss at the same time.

Checking what you eat ? this way you can be able t dedicate from what meal your excess calories comes from.

Weight and iron pump are very good ways to achieving good results - You also need to incorporate weight and iron pump to your regular program. This helps you to increase the resistance on the muscles and also help to tone them up while you burn up calories.

Try develop a good eating habit ? This is true because statistics shows that most fat people loss weight faster when they reduce the amount of food that the eat.

Good water drinking habit ? You have to drink enough water during and after exercise as this helps to flush out fat from your system.

Don?t be to anxious ? You don?t have to be overly anxious to get the desired fat or weight off, as bodybuilding and weight loss is a gradual process.

Adequate sleep ? You need enough sleep if possible after training as it helps to relax the muscle and get it up into top shade.

You can also join a good gym house ? When you join a gym house, you will be given a program by your trainer, which you will endeavor to accomplish daily. You also need to stay focused on you program, as there could come a time when you become discourage due to a gradual muscle development.

Stay away from fatty foods ? You should also try to avoid eating fatty foods, which can be responsible for weight gain.

Chidike Okereke is a researcher in the field of bodybuilding and proper maintenance of the physical body posture through training and exercise. And has been an adviser and trainer for some years now. For questions, information and quality recommendations please, visit the links below:


How to Lose Body Fat Quickly for an Upcoming Event

There are times in life when you don't just want to lose body fat NEED to! If you are going on a vacation to a tropical place like Hawaii, for instance, you are going to enjoy your trip much more if you feel that you look good. You will definitely look your best if you are able to reduce your body fat and look great in a swimsuit.

Your Face Will Look Better at a Lower Body Fat Percentage

People don't talk about this very much, but when you are at a lower body fat level your face will look better. For guys you will be able to see that square jaw and women will be able to see high cheekbones and have less fat around the neck. Obviously this will help you look your best for photos when you are on vacation or attending a wedding, etc.

You Can Actually Lose a Significant Amount of Body Fat in 3 Weeks

Hopefully you have more than three weeks to get in shape, but if you don't you will still be able to lose body fat quickly enough to make a big difference. Here is 21 day plan I use before every vacation that has worked wonders for me as well as those I give advice to.

1) Hit the Cardio hard at Least One Hour Per Day

2) Don't Eat or Drink Any Carbs at All 4-6 Hours Before Your Cardio

3) Drink Green Tea or Black Coffee 30 Minutes Before Your Cardio

4) Eat Low Calorie and Low Carb Throughout the Day

5) If You Are Dying For Carbs, Only Eat Them Following a Hard Workout

6) Total Daily Calories Equals Body Weight x 8

7) Lift Weights 4-5 Times Per Week

Note: This is just a short term 21 day will lose muscle if you go longer than 21 days on this plan.

The most crucial part is that you are performing at least one hour of cardio in a fasted state for 21 days in a row. Very few people have ever done cardio for 21 days in a row. You will be amazed at how well this works. I have been able to lose body fat quickly by following this plan in the past and you will too. Give this a shot, you will see great results.

About the Author: Rusty Moore is an avid trainer who gives advice to men and women who want a physique that attracts the opposite sex. While most trainers focus on gaining as much muscle mass as possible, Rusty focuses on the lean sleek model look. For men who want the build of Brad Pitt -or- Matthew Mcconaughey and women who want the build of Jessica Alba -or- Jessica Beil, Visit his Website by Clicking this link... Lean Muscle Fitness

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Benefits of Using a Body Fat Scale To Calculate Body Fat

Millions of people are obese all over the world. Some people are happy with that and make no desire to change that. Other people are concerned about their weight and want to take steps to get their weight under control. This article will highlight why you should use a body fat scale to help you calculate your body fat and help you control your weight.

You may have heard about using a skin caliper to measure your body fat. Until recently, this was the most affordable option to most consumers as the other methods were very expensive. With a skin caliper, you pull your skin and pinch it with the caliper. You have to do this in several areas of your body. You then put these measurements into a formula and you get your body fat percentage.

There are two problems with using a skin caliper. One is that you have to pinch yourself in the exact same area each time to get accurate results. Another is that it is hard to do it by yourself. Usually you're not able to use it around all over your body. So you'll need someone to help you to do the test. That's great if you've got a partner or spouse. But if you're single and living alone, how are you going to use it. You could ask your neighbor to come over and see you in your underwear to help you. You may not stay single for long if you make this offer to a few of your neighbors.

Other than the two noted problems with the caliper, it is a good and inexpensive method to use to measure your body fat.

What is a better method to calculate your body fat percentage?

You can use a body fat scale to check your body fat. Most of them work the same as a regular scale that gives you your weight. They also serve a second purpose and that is to analyze your body fat. You stand on the scale and in seconds you'll have a body fat measurement for you.

You can see how this method is much more convenient than using a skin caliper. It only takes one person and it takes much less work. Most people like getting things with less work. It takes much less time to use a body fat analyzer than a caliper. That comes in handy when you want to monitor your progress each week to see how you're doing. And the cost of a body fat analyzer is only nominally more than a skin caliper.

The benefits of using a body fat scale to quickly calculate your body fat percentage outweigh the small costs of obtaining one as compared to using other methods such as a skin caliper. You can purchase a reliable one for about $30 on Amazon or Ebay. Whichever method you choose you won't go wrong because as long as you're concerned and thinking about reducing your body fat, you're on the right track.

Visit Body Fat Scale Reviews to get the best ways to calculate body fat. Read the latest reviews of Omron and Tanita body fat scales.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

How A Body Fat Monitor Can Help You Reach Your Ideal Weight Goals

It is often said that if you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. What these means is that you need a goal to strive for before you can begin your journey. This applies to many things in life and weight loss in particular. If you don't know how much weight you have to lose or want to lose then how will you know when you need to stop dieting and losing weight? This is where you can benefit from having a body fat monitor to help you reach your goal. This article will talk about how using a body fat monitor can help you reach your ideal weight and sustain that weight once you've gotten there.

What is a body fat monitor and how does it compare to a body fat analyzer or body fat scale?

That is a good question. They can all tell you about your body fat composition and tell you how much of You is fat. They can tell you if you are composed, or made up, of 30% body fat meaning you're overweight and need to lose weight or 7% fat and you're looking pretty good and you don't need to make any changes.

How does it work?

If you're like most people you don't care how things work just so long as they do actually work. In layman's terms, a body fat monitor works by sending an electric current through one part of your body and the faster it gets through to the other end the better. You will then get a readout of your body fat percentage. And once we have that, the fun work can begin. Once you know how much of You is fat then you can start setting goals from there.

So let's say you have a 30% body fat composition, what does that mean? That depends on two things, your sex and your age. If you are male and have 30% fat, then you would be considered overweight and you will need to start working on exercises and eating foods that eat away the fat. If you are female then you are actually doing okay and considered healthy and you would not need to start a weight loss and diet routine.

Once you have your composition, you can then set a goal to either gain fat or lose it. Yes, some people actually need to put fat on to be healthy. Hard to believe but it's true. You will have a clearer picture of where you need to go and what road you need to start walking down.

How much do they cost?

Monitors have become affordable as of late and you can pick them up for as low as $20-$40 on or or even some medical supplies stores. For most home users, you can do with these lower priced models, but if you're a professional athlete or striving to be one, you will be much better served with the higher end models that offer more detailed information about your fat composition.

Using a body fat monitor, scale, or analyzer can help you find out where you are and help you determine how far you need to go to reach your ideal body shape and makeup. They can provide the key step you need to getting you started down the right road. Let your journey begin.

About the Author:

Confused about body fat monitors? Check out all your options at Body Fat Monitor Reviews and find one that's right for you.

Discover Which Form Of Cardio Exercise Is Most Effective To Burn Off Body Fat

I am sure you have wondered at some point in time which cardioexercise is better. To put it in simple terms, both low and high intensity exercises will help you to burn off body fat. The question here is which is the most effective to burn off more body fat.

When scientists first discovered that during intensive exercises, your body burns glycogen, which is a form of stored carbohydrates that are stored in your liver and muscles for energy. During low intensity exercises, your body will burn a lot of fat.

If your wondering whether or not it works, the answer is no because there are so many obese people still around. Even though they are working out with low intensity routines, it still makes you wonder how it can be.

The scientists were right when they said the human body burns more body fat during low intensity exercises like walking or swimming. During a high intensity exercise such as running, the body will burn a lot more calories. Even if some of the calories burnt are from glycogen, there are still many fat calories burned as well.

To put the icing on the cake, when your store of glycogen gets low, the carbohydrates from your food you eat will later get converted into glycogen to fill up the store and won't be converted to body fat when they are left unused for energy.

High intensity cardio exercise will juice up your metabolism even after you have completed your workout. What this means,is that your body will continue to burn body fat hours afteryou have left the gym. This effect is nearly non existentin low intensity cardio or aerobic workout.

Accumulatively, your body will burn up more and more calories during and after you have finished a high intensity cardio exercise that it will with low intensity.

You can inject high intensity exercises into your cardio workout by introducing some interval training. You can walk for 3 minutes or so, then break into some jogging for another 1 minutes or so. Then, walk briskly again until you have caught your breath and then sprint for a minute before you walk again. From this point, simply alternate your running and walking for the next 20 minutes until you are finished.

One of the best things about cardio is the more you do it, the more energy you'll have. Cardio will help you to burn calories, although its more useful for keeping your energy levels high.

If you've never tried cardio before, you should give it a shot. If you like to exercise, you'll find cardio the best way to boost your energy and keep in top shape. If you are just starting out, you'll want to go slow and keep your cardio exercise in track - as it is very easy to over exert yourself.

Get started today!

An easy beginner tip would be to walk in place for 3 minutes then jog in place for 1 minute.

Keep alternating with walking for 3 minutes and jogging for 1 minute for 20 minutes.

Before you know it, you will lose body fat and have more energy than you can handle.

Dr. Ralph Napolitano is a chiropractor, certified clinical nutritionist, and holistic health counselor. His family owns and operates Ann & Tony's Restaurant on Arthur Ave in The Bronx since 1927. His restaurant and clinical experience gives him the tools to help you achieve the health and well being you always wanted. Dr. Napolitano gives you simple and natural solutions to help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, and avoid heart. Use the primary sources on your journey to a total health rebirth. Get free audio health tips at

Get Rid of Body Fat

The way to get rid of body fat is to stick to an exercise and diet plan. Our bodies store fat when we consume more calories than we burn off. A simple way to solve this problem is to eat less calories and burn off all the extra ones by exercising. It is very hard to go from not ever working out and eating right to a strict routine over night. The best way is to start off slow and work your way into a healthier lifestyle.

Start by doing push ups and sit ups three times a week if you don?t belong to a gym. If you do go to a gym, do a full body weight workout 3 times a week. This will help your body build a base and get ready for harder workouts. While your body is getting used to working out you should start eating better too. You should never skip breakfast since it gives you energy to start your day and will start the fat burning process. I recommend a bowl of oatmeal with a glass of orange juice. A little trick to speed up your metabolism is to eat small meals through out the day. I like to shoot for six. Drinking water in place of soda can really help to.

After breakfast I will have a piece of fruit around ten and have chicken breast on whole wheat bread for lunch. Around two a protein bar is a good choice for your next healthy snack. Dinner should consist of a lean protein source like salmon, tuna, or chicken with vegetables and whole wheat pasta or brown rice. Your final healthy snack should be about two hours after you have dinner. Do not cut out all fats. Your body needs fat to function just be sure to limit how much you get and focus on the good fat that is found in peanut butter and virgin olive oil.

If you follow the above steps, you will be on your way to getting rid of your excess body fat. It takes discipline but if you get in a routine eating right and exercising regularly will become natural to you.

For a quick way to get rid of body fat check out:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Body Fat

Believe it or not, there are many safe ways to get rid of body fat. Millions of ordinary people have been trying to find out how to get rid of body fat (cellulite) in the safest way without drugs, without supplements, permanently and without wrecking their metabolism.

You can get leaner, faster than you ever thought possible! Even if you have less-than average genetics... even if you've never succeeded at losing weight before... even if you have stubborn fat deposits that don't seem to budge. It's a fact - 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. If you've ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded plateau, it's probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism.

Also, 97% of all supplements are a total waste of money! You are being lied to and ripped off by companies that don't care about your health and well-being. You would be amazed to learn the ugly truth about the $13 billion per year supplement industry and the $40 billion per year weight loss industry.

If you are in search of ways to lose the body fat, all you have to do is a few searches on the net. There are many sources to guide you on your quest for a healthy way to lose body fat. Just glean through the searches for natural ways and safe ways to do this. They are out there, you just must search and read carefully through your findings. Persevere and you will discover what you seek.

Stone Gates is a midwest United States native. He has been involved in internet businesses for about a year and owns a traffic exchange at . He also has additional information posted his blog at

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