Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Burn Body Fat Fast 2 Killer Tips for a Brad Pitt Body

Trying to burn body fat fast can seem like a frugal effort if you are not doing it right.

The ability to burn body fat fast depends simply on having the right diet, the right type of strength training workout, and the right type of cardio routine.

Unfortunately, most people eat the wrong things and do the wrong type of workouts when trying to burn body fat fast. The end result is little to no fat loss and a lot of frustration.

This article will show you the 2 most common mistakes people make when they try to burn body fat, and how to avoid them.

BURN BODY FAT FAST MISTAKE #1: Going on some extreme crash diet

This is a common dietary method that lot of people try to use to burn body fat fast. They go from eating whatever they want to all of a sudden being on some 500-1000 calorie per day super restricted diet. More often than not, they only eat 1 meal a day and stay hungry the rest of the time.

If you have ever tried using an extreme crash diet as a way to burn body fat fast, then you need to stop!

THE SOLUTION: The key to eating the right way to burn body fat fast is to eat the right foods at the right time. The overall number of calories is important too, but you need to keep your metabolism in mind as well. A crash diet will actually slow your metabolism and make your body want to hold onto whatever energy it has!

Trying 4-6 small meals a day spaced 2-3 hours apart. Each meal, try eating a portion of healthy protein, complex carbs, and good fats such as omega 3's found in fish. This type of diet is a great way to burn body fat fast because you are eating more often. This helps to keep you from being hungry and binging. Also, it is a great way to keep your blood sugar regulated.

BURN BODY FAT FAST MISTAKE #2: Avoiding strength training at all cost.

When most people try to exercise to burn body fat fast they try to do long bouts time on a cardio machine and also try to do hundreds of crunches.

You have to understand that if you want to burn body fat fast with exercise then you need to shift your focus on increasing you metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the more calories your body will burn while at rest and while being active.

So what increases your metabolism?

Simple, muscle!

Muscle uses stored body fat for energy when your body is in the right state. By strength training in a circuit format you will stay moving, burn lots of calories, and add the mean muscle mass that will help you to burn body fat fast.


Here is an example of a strength routine that will help you burn body fat fast:

1. Inverted pushups

2. DB squats

3. 1 arm DB row

4. Hamstring leg curls on a stability ball

5. Overhead DB shoulder press

6. Planks

7. Med ball squat, curl, and press

REPS: 10-15


REST: 30-45 secs between each exercise

The important thing here is for you to understand how this type of workout structure helps to burn body fat fast. By doing a lot of multijoint exercises, you will work more muscle. The more muscle you work, the more muscle you add, and the more body fat you will lose!


As you can see, crash dieting and avoiding strength training at all costs are not effective ways to burn body fat fast. If you really want to burn body fast fast, try following the dietary guidelines above and strength training in a circuit format.

Good luck =)

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To avoid making the same fat loss mistakes that 97% of people make, go to Secrets to Burn Body Fat Fast

For my thoughts on the Burn The Fat program, Click Here

Tom Gifford is the author of http://www.TheFatLossZone.com, which provides stellar cutting edge fat loss tips for people who have tried all the fad diets and exercise gimmicks.


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