Thursday, August 28, 2008

Explanation As To What Body Fat Percentage Is

In simple terms body fat percentage is the percentage of fat contained within your body. So if you are 150lbs and you have 10% of fat this means that your body consists of 15lbs of fat. The other 135lbs is your lean body mass which is made from bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood and everything else in the human body. What is important to remember is that a certain amount of fat is essential for the body to function correctly. It helps to regulate the bodies temperature, cushions and insulates our organs and tissues as well as being the main form of the body's energy storage.

The body fat percentage is an estimate of a fraction of the total body mass that is adipose (insulating) tissue as opposed to lean body mass (or may be referred to as fat free mass). This index helps to monitor a person's progress during a diet or as a measurement of physical fitness in relation to certain sports (i.e., body building). This is also a more accurate way to measure a person's excess body weight rather than body mass index (BMI) as it differentiates between the weight of muscle mass and that of fat mass. Whilst using the BMI method lumps all of these masses into one figure. But there are specific skills which are required in order to perform the measurement correctly. But even those who are skillful enough will find factors which will contribute to a significant margin of error where there measurements are concerned.

But what does total body fat percentage consist of?

It consists of essential fat and storage fat. Essential fat is the amount that is necessary for the body for the maintenance of life and reproductive functions. This percentage of fat is greater in women than it is in men because of the demands putting on their bodies due to child bearing and other hormonal functions. The essential fat in a man should be between 2-5% whilst in a woman it should be between 10-13%. Where as storage fat is an accumulation of fat in the adipose tissue which helps to protect the internal organs in a person's chest and abdomen. Again women will have slightly more of this then men.

In order to calculate a person's body fat percentage the following measurements should be taken. It is important that you try to be as accurate as possible usually allow a margin of error of between 0.25(0.5cm).
1. Abdomen - This is for men only - Measure around the abdomen horizontally that is level with the navel (belly button).
2. Waist - This measurement only for the women - Again horizontally at the level of minimal abdominal width.
3. Hips - Again this measurement only to be used on women - Measure around the largest horizontal circumference of the hips.
4. Neck - Both men and women - Inferior to the larynx with the tape measure sloping slightly downwards towards the front.
5. Height - Again both men and women to be measured. Do not forget to take your shoes off before doing this measurement.

So before deciding that you need to lose weight it is vital that you consider your body fat percentage. You may find that in fact you do not need to lose any weight all you need to do is tone up your muscles instead.

Besides being a naturopathic physican, Dr. Kang-pang Chan is a personal trainer certified by the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).

To learn more about Body fat, please visit:


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