Monday, March 30, 2009

Are Body Fat Scales Accurate and Reliable

Digital scales have come a long way over the past few years. Earlier, digital scales were not even regarded as accurate means of measurement. Now, even the most advanced applications require their use. Along with advanced functions has come the necessity of having an accurate way of measuring weight and body fat at the consumer level. The original body fat meters are still around: body fat calipers. However, these instruments require you to measure yourself, put in your weight, etc and then use the caliper correctly in several different locations on your body. Typically you need to actually know what you are doing in order to get an accurate and reliable measurement. These more old-fashioned techniques are still used by doctors and others to ensure the most accurate results and they are by far the most accurate means of measuring body fat.

However, advanced technology has been refined and we can have all of this done for us through a body fat scale at a decent price and with fairly accurate precision. Body fat scales use what we call BIA, or bioelectric impedance analysis. In its infancy, BIA was not very accurate and was often thought of as a useless attempt of technology trying to take the place of true science. It was only recently that BIA was refined and perfected so that it could be used with accuracy in body fat scales. When you stand on a body fat scale, bioelectric impedance analysis works by sending a small and harmless electrical current through your body. The body fat scale then measures the amount of resistance your body has to the electrical current. This resistance can then be used to calculate your total body water that in turn can then be to calculate body fat. Now a body fat scale uses this measurement of electricity and also math to figure out your body weight. So, the science and calculations are all there, but the question still remains: Do body fat scales really work, or is it merely theoretical? The answer is a definite yes.

Bioelectrical impedance analysis has turned from a guessing science to a true science. You can actually find a body fat scale that uses high quality BIA for a very reasonable price. The great benefit to having one of these digital body fat scales as opposed to a standard digital bathroom scale is that you will get a more accurate view of your body. For a long time it has been known and told that you shouldnt always trust what the scale says. Well, think to yourself: What is more important? how much you weigh? or how much fat and muscle you have on your body? Instead of gauging your body on your total weight, you should really gauge it by your body fat percentage. Using a body fat scale will not only allow you to measure your weight but your level of fitness by measuring your body fat. Most athletes weigh a great deal more than anorexic models and movie-stars. Would you rather be just skin and bones with little energy and without the strength to go about and do your daily tasks? I would much rather weigh 20-30 pounds more and be able to do all that I wanted to do. Dont waste your time standing on a scale and cringing at every gained or lost pound. A body fat scale will focus your thoughts on the question of How fit am I? instead of the negative question of how much you weigh. You should focus on how much fat you have on your body, how you feel, and how you feel your body looks. These are the most important things to consider when on a diet or just generally trying to stay fit. A body fat scale will help you to become fit and more motivated to become healthy.

by : Rodney George

4 Most Commonly Used Body Fat Monitors

Base from the analysis Body Fat Monitors is measurement tool measuring the value of fat for comparison. This will aid you to monitor the progress of your bodys fat contents and it is also one tool that can aid you to improve your health just by looking at body scales and reviewing the records can help you determine the exact what action/s to do to plan for your health. This is in relation to the fat content of your body.

There are a number of brands and models of fat monitors in the market today. But there are the most reliable and most commonly used monitors used by most people.

Here are the 4 most commonly used fact monitors by most of the health conscious people:

1. Tanita BF-682

This is somewhat a scale that measures the bodys fat in a certain time. This way you know how much fat is already deposited or have your body increased it fat deposit over a period of time.

2. Ormon body fat analyzer

The Ormon analyzer monitors the body fat though oral means. This is best partnered with exercise equipment like the treadmill, activities like jogging and walking. This devise is used to analyze the fat content of the body for you to be able to do something to control the fat present in the body.

3. HoMedic Tri-Fitness monitor

This is especially used to monitor body fat while not engaged in any fitness routine. Even if you are not in any exercise regimen, it does not follow that you cannot monitor your body fat. This type of monitor is suitable for you.

4. FatTrack Digital Skinfold Caliper

Its a measuring tool used to determine newly deposited fat. This monitoring can help you to determine the condition of your body fats. It is very hand and it allows you to monitor fat while traveling, at work or even in vacation. Its a typical digital caliper monitor.

Monitoring the fat in your body is a very ideal process of staying healthy. In fact, it the first step towards becoming health conscious with the help of these devices. But these devices do not stop from the act of giving the data. It is very important to analyze these data and interpret what these data is telling you. When you know exactly what it says, you will know exactly what to do with to counter the condition of your body fats, whether you have high or low fat concentrations. Most of all, not relying 100% to these devises because it has its own imperfection, it is always best to listen to what your body is telling you also. Nobody knows you more that your body.

by : Jesse Miller

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Body Fat Weight Scales Help Calculate & Track Your Body Fat Composition

As awareness of the health risks associated with being overweight continues to grow, body fat weight scales are in high demand. For people concerned about their weight and overall health, body fat weight scales are popular items in todays market, and for good reason. Body fat weight scales will help calculate and track your body composition, BMI (Body Mass Index), weight, and body fat percentage. We specifically carry state-of-the-art body fat weight scales in our inventory so you can rely on their durability and accuracy.

If youre committed to improving your health through exercise and adhering to a disciplined diet, then body fat weight scales are for you. And it goes without saying that if youre a nutritionist, dietitian, trainer, or even a physical therapist, body fat weight scales will be critical additions to your practice. Put simply, theres just nothing at all worth the risk of being overweight. Beyond the health risks associated with obesity, being overweight can increase your chances of acquiring the following:

High Cholesterol
Heart Disease
Body fat weight scales will help keep you on track as you pursue a healthier life. Along with measuring weight and body fat, body fat weight scales will give you accurate results when measuring your Body Mass Index. According to experts, BMI is the most accurate way to determine the effect of weight on ones health. BMI is a formula that gives you a numerical estimation of your health based on height and weight:

Recommended BMI Thresholds


Underweight = less than 20
Ideal = greater than or equal to 20 but less than 25
Overweight = greater than or equal to 25 but less than 30
Obese = greater than or equal to 30


Underweight = less than 18
Ideal = greater than or equal to 18 but less than 25
Overweight = greater than or equal to 25 but less than 30
Obese = greater than or equal to 30

As your BMI goes up, so does your risk of developing weight-related diseases, such as those previously listed.

Nonetheless, some fat is essential. Essential fats are necessary for normal physiological and biological functioning. Such fats, however, are stored in bone marrow, and around internal organs such as the kidneys, liver, muscles, and lipid rich tissues of the central nervous system. It is excess fat that is the concern here.

Excess fat is produced when the intake of calories in the form of food and drink is more than the energy expended. When the body is given more calories than necessary for standard maintenance and physical activity, this excess energy is stored in the form of body fat. The only way to lose this excess fat is to burn more energy than calories consumed, typically through an exercise and diet regimen. The use of a body fat weight scale will not only help you track your BMI, but track your fat percentage as well.

The American Council on Exercise provides the following ranges for body-fat percentage:

Essential Fat.........10-12%.....2-4%
Obese.................32% plus...26% plus

A persons body-fat percentage and BMI can be measured via body fat weight scales, not through the use of ordinary medical scales.

By: Gary Gordon

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